
財(cái)稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.20 蘋果版本:8.7.20






來(lái)源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 編輯: 2011/03/14 15:50:39  字體:



  Joe Tan: Hi Sam, please take a seat. Good morning, Lucinda. Please sit down. How are you both this morning?

  (Together) Sam and Lucinda: Good, thanks.

  Joe: I asked you both to come in this morning because there's been rumors floating around that you two are involved in a personal relationship. Now I know these kinds of things can be sensitive, but I do feel we have to discuss it.

  Joe開(kāi)門見(jiàn)山,說(shuō)找他們兩人談話,是因?yàn)楣纠镉袀餮?,there has been rumors floating around……說(shuō)Sam和Lucinda在談戀愛(ài)。

  Lucinda: Yes, the rumors are true. Sam and I are in love!

  Sam: It's true, I feel the same way about Lucinda!

  Joe: Well, let me be the first to congratulate you! Falling in love is great and I'm very happy for both of you.

  S: But?

  J: Well, our company does have some guidelines for internal relationships.

  Lucinda和Sam兩人都承認(rèn),they are in love. 他們確實(shí)在戀愛(ài)。Joe首先向他們表示祝賀。但隨即承認(rèn),公司在員工談戀愛(ài)方面有g(shù)uideline指導(dǎo)原則什么guideline呢?

  L: The company frowns on co-workers dating each other, right?

  J: Let's just say such relationships are not actively encouraged.

  S: But why? We are in love!

  J: Well, there are many reasons, but one of the main downsides to interoffice relationships is that they can be a big distraction from work. Other employees can sometimes see such relationships as unfair. The end result can be jealousy, hurt feelings and a loss of productivity for the company.

  Joe解釋說(shuō),公司之所以不鼓勵(lì)公司員工之間的戀愛(ài)關(guān)系,最主要的原因是干擾工作。其他員工會(huì)覺(jué)得不公平,最后造成a loss of productivity for the company. 公司生產(chǎn)力的下降。

  L: But in today's modern working world, I feel like there is very little opportunity to meet people. Bars are smoky and loud. Internet dating can be very scary……it seems like I spend most of my time working at the office, so isn't it natural to find a co-worker as a partner?

  S: I have to agree. Lucinda and I work on the same projects so we have a lot in common. I even think our productivity has increased as a result of our relationship.

  Lucinda說(shuō),她覺(jué)得,酒吧煙霧彌漫、人聲鼎沸,網(wǎng)上交友又不安全,既然一天到晚待在公司,在辦公室找對(duì)象不是很自然嗎。Sam說(shuō),他們兩人是同一個(gè)項(xiàng)目組的,we have a lot in common. 說(shuō)到這兒,老板Joe是不是理屈詞窮了呢?我們下次繼續(xù)聽(tīng)。


  J: I understand your position completely. And let me say: our company doesn't have a blanket ban on interoffice relationships. We are just concerned about possible ramifications. When you first fall in love, of course you don't think about what would happen if you broke up, but let's face it...break-ups are very common. Have you considered what it would be like if the relationship didn't work out?

  Joe說(shuō),公司并不一律禁止內(nèi)部的戀愛(ài)關(guān)系,a blanket ban一概而論,全部禁止。但他 同時(shí)提醒他們,萬(wàn)一兩人吹了,該怎么辦。Joe說(shuō),Break-ups are very common. Break-up意思就是戀愛(ài)關(guān)系的中斷。

  L: That's true. It would be very awkward to work with an ex-boyfriend every day.

  S: But there must be some way we can continue dating and working together. We are adults after all.

  J: Yes, I think there are ways you can continue a relationship while working together. Relationship experts say the first rule when co-workers decide to date each other is to plan an 'exit strategy.'

  Lucinda承認(rèn),萬(wàn)一兩人吹了,會(huì)十分尷尬,但是Sam表示,總該有個(gè)讓戀愛(ài)工作兩不誤的好辦法,畢竟大家都是成年人。Joe告訴他們,專家說(shuō)了,跟同事談戀愛(ài),首先應(yīng)該想好 'exit strategy'. 退出戰(zhàn)略。

  L: Exit strategy?

  J: Yes. What would you do if the relationship isn't successful? You should think about that. I think the biggest issue is that if it doesn't work out, you still have to face that person every day...and that can be tough.

  S: I think you've given us some good points we should talk over. Let me assure you that Lucinda and I will be as discreet as possible around the office.

  Joe所說(shuō)的exit strategy退出戰(zhàn)略,其實(shí)就是想好后路的意思,萬(wàn)一吹了,該如何彼此面對(duì)。Sam保證說(shuō),他和Lucinda一定會(huì)盡量注意影響。

  J: One option is for one of you to transfer to a different department so you can still work together, but not in such an intimate way.

  L: Yes, that's a possibility we should think about. Let me also say that we recognize that when we are working, the job comes first. There will be no drop in productivity, I can guarantee that!

  J: Well, I think you both are handling this situation in a mature way. Let's just take it from here and see how it goes, OK? Thanks for talking with me and being honest and open. I really appreciate that.

  S: Thanks, boss!

  Joe建議說(shuō),Sam和Lucinda其中一人不妨考慮換個(gè)部門工作。Lucinda再次保證,不會(huì)影響工作,Job comes first. 一切以工作為重。談話結(jié)束前,Joe稱贊兩人處事成熟,Let's just take it from here and see how it goes. 意思是走一步看一步吧。

我要糾錯(cuò)】 責(zé)任編輯:梓墨

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