
財(cái)稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.20 蘋果版本:8.7.20






來源: 大耳朵英語 編輯: 2010/09/24 15:28:17  字體:

  1. Hi, John. It’s me. Ring me.

  1. 嗨,約翰。是我。打電話給我。

  2. Hi, John. It’s me again. Ring me. Quick!

  2. 嗨,約翰,又是我。打給我,快點(diǎn)!

  3. Hi, John. It’s Mary. What’s wrong with your cellphone? Please give me a call as soon as possible.

  3. 嗨,約翰。我瑪麗啦。你的手機(jī)怎么搞的?請盡快打電話給我。

  4. Hello, Mr. Smith, this is Jonathan calling from the Bilingual Weekly. Can you call me when you get this message? My number is 2698-3500.

  4. 喂,史密斯先生,我是「雙語周報(bào)」的強(qiáng)納森。聽到留言請你打個(gè)電話給我。我的電話號碼是2698-3500。

  5. Hey, John. I’ve got something urgent to tell you. Please give me a call as soon as you get this message.

  5. 嘿,約翰,我有緊急的事要告訴你。請你在聽到留言之后盡快打電話給我。

  6. Hi, John. This is Paul. I’m calling to ask you about our contract. Can you call me when you get home?

  6. 嗨,約翰。我是保羅。我打電話是要問你關(guān)于合約的事情。你回到家后可不可以打個(gè)電話給我?

  7. Hey, John. I’ve been trying to locate you. Where are you?! Please call me whenever you can. Bye!

  7. 喂,約翰。我一直想辦法在找你。你跑哪兒去了?!方便的話請隨時(shí)打個(gè)電話給我。拜!

  8. Hi, John. It’s Mary. I’m outside, and I didn’t bring my cellphone with me today. I’ll call you again in about half an hour. Talk to you later.

  8. 嗨,約翰,我瑪麗啦。我人在外面,而且今天身上沒帶手機(jī)。我大約在半小時(shí)之后還會(huì)再打給你。待會(huì)兒再聊。

  9. Hi, John. It’s me. I just want to make sure if you got my e-mail last night. Let me know if you got it.

  9. 嗨,約翰。是我。我只是想確定你昨晚有沒有收到我的郵件。收到的話,請告訴我。

  10. Hello, Mrs. Nancy. This is John calling from the Taiwan News. Please call me when you get this message. My office number is 2698-3500. If I’m not at the office, you can reach me on my mobile phone. The number is: 0000.

  10. 喂,南西女士。我是臺(tái)灣英文新聞的約翰。聽到留言請打電話給我。我辦公室的電話是0000.

我要糾錯(cuò)】 責(zé)任編輯:sady



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